Making : a dress for my daughter
Cooking : nada right this moment - later, beer can chicken!
Drinking : just finished a homemade latte. yummy!
Reading: It's been a while since I read a book for fun. I should do that.
Wanting: a few things - a binding machine and one of those curved shower curtain rods
Looking: at my computer screen, and my very messy kitchen
Playing: pandora on my iphone
Wasting: time wishing I had more of it
Sewing: (see above), a dress for Colette. I need to get on it.
Wishing: it was summer already - I'm going home for a few weeks!
Enjoying: quiet - that doesn't happen too often here.
Waiting: for Jeremy to come home for lunch. What should I make him?
Liking: the espresso/caramel coffee combo I made this morning. Also, the show Weeds. We have gotten hooked.
Wondering: If we'll get paid on the first (since when did being military mean so much uncertainty?
Loving: my husband. He does so much for us.
Hoping: we get paid tomorrow instead of Monday. I need a haircut!
Marvelling: at how messy the house keeps getting!
Needing: to buy new pajamas for my kids.
Smelling: my lemon lavender Yankee Candle burning.
Wearing: bootcamp undershirt & pj pants. Yup, I need to shower. :P
Noticing: Maybe I need to start taking iron again too.
Knowing: that I am loved. <3
Thinking: of all the things I NEED to do.
Bookmarking: all of your fab crafty tutorials!
Giggling: every time I check the NSBR at
Feeling: tired (what a surprise)