We got there a little bit early, so we got to hang out for a few minutes. We all got these beautiful leis as a greeting.
Gavin found a really big (empty) snail shell.
before the show, there were several activities you could participate in. The kids made sure we did every single one. :)
No luau would be complete without an adult beverage or two!
We had really awesome seats for the dinner & show. All of these pictures were not zoomed in, I took them right from my seat!
They had a part during the show where the kids could go up on stage for a hula lesson. Colette surprised me by wanting to go up there. Normally she is extremely shy. She was having a lot of fun, though, and is really interested in hula.
It's kind of hard to tell just by these pics, but once Colette got up on the stage, she didn't really do anything. She is an observer, much more comfortable watching everyone else. It was actually pretty funny, she was just standing there, not doing anything. I took a few seconds of video, but I'm not sure how to post it.
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