There was a bell there that you could ring before you go inside the temple. Of course the kids had to ring it right away. (Jeremy waited until we were leaving).
There was also a really big pond, with multiple little waterfalls and lots of huge koi fish. They were really pretty.
Here is the giant Buddha statue - it is covered in gold leaf.
This is one of the doors to the temple that was shut, I thought it was really pretty.
This is the view from the balcony in the front of the temple, of the entrance & the biggest part of the pond.
At first we thought this turtle was fake, because it didn't move at all. Then we finally saw some movement. :)
This statue was in front of the gift shop.
You could buy food for the birds & fish in the gift shop, so of course we had to! The fish went crazy every time we threw food out to them.
The birds even liked it - Jeremy fed them, and two of the female birds jumped up in his hand!
There were lots of these little decorative statues around, it was really pretty.
While we were there, I had to try to take a picture of the kids. They weren't too cooperative, though. This is the best one I got of them together.
And I really like this one of just Colette.
Jeremy in front of the temple.
And we traded picture taking skills with a nice couple there: I took their picture & he took our picture.
Jeremy rang the bell on the way out. It was the loudest we had heard while we were there. :)
I had to get one more shot before we left. I thought this temple was beautiful!

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